To be added to the recipient list or for scheduling a shiur or Shabbaton
at your shul/ yeshiva/ simcha/ event please email us at [email protected]

Spoke At Or On Behalf Of (small sample of venues):

Irgun Shiurei Torah, Flatbush NY


RAA The Rabbinical Alliance of America

Philadelphia Community Kollel, Philadelphia PA

Congregation Ahavas Torah, Philadelphia PA

Mesivta Yesoda Yisroel of Elkins Park, Philadelphia PA

Northeast Philadelphia Kollel, Philadelphia PA

Politz Hebrew Academy, Philadelphia PA

Caskey Torah Academy, Philadelphia PA

Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck NJ

Beth Abraham, Teaneck NJ

Beth Aaron, Teaneck NJ

Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck NJ

Heichal HaTorah, Teaneck NJ

Kollel Ohr Torah, Rochester NY

Derech HaTorah, Rochester NY

Cong. Kenesses Yisroel, Monsey NY

MTA (Yeshiva University High School for Boys), Manhattan NY

Ohel Simcha, Long Branch NJ

Passaic Torah InstituteYeshiva Ner Boruch, Passaic NJ

Congregation Shomrei Emunah, Baltimore MD

Kol Torah, Baltimore MD

Bais Haknesses Ohr Hachaim, Baltimore MD

Khal Chassidim, Highland Park NJ

B’nai Shalom Shul, Waterbury CT

Yeshiva Gedolah of Waterbury, Waterbury CT

– Avalon Circle Shul – Congregation Rosh Hagivah, Waterbury CT

RCA (Rabbinical College of America) Chabad, Morristown NJ

– Yavneh Academy, Paramus NJ

Yeshivat Noam, Paramus NJ

Heichal HaTorah, Teaneck NJ

Moriah School, Englewood NJ

RYNJ HaTorah – Rosenbaum Yeshiva Of North Jersey, River Edge NJ

Bucharien Jewish Community Center, Forest Hills NY

Bais Dovid D’lantzut, Queens NY

Bais Medrash Torah Utefilla, Monsey NY

Congregation Torah U’Tefilla, Far Rockaway NY

Scholar In Residence NCSY Kollel & Camp


Makor HaChaim, Tarzana Los Angeles CA

LINK kollel, Los Angeles CA

Aish HaTorah, Los Angeles CA

Irvine Hebrew Day School, Irvine CA

Chabad, Irvine CA

Aish HaTorah, Manhattan NY

Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan NY

Beis HaKnesses Of North Woodmere, Valley Stream NY

Shul At The Premier, Woodmere NY

Community Kollel Of Greater Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV

The Young Israel Aish, Las Vegas NV

Mesivta Of Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV

Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV

Bais Mordechai D’Bertch, Flatbush NY

Scholar In Residence For 11 Years At The Young Israel
Of Queens Valley (Queens NY) For 4 Summer Shabbatot

Bar Mitzvahs, Bris Mila, Oneg Shabbos

Private gatherings at homes and halls

Many Yeshivos, Kollelim, Shuls And Functions In Eretz Yisroel

Comunidad Israelita De Barcelona, Spain

Shuirim Can Accommodate Any Desired Topic, Or Can Be Provided
Here Is A Small Sample Of Shiurim Titles:

– Q&A – Do Not Be Afraid To Ask – Choose Your Topic/s

How to Obtain Constant Simcha

Shalom Bayit Do’s and Don’ts

Chinuch In Challenging Times

Appreciation – Hakarat HaTov

Bearing The Burden With One’s Friend (noseh b’ol im chaveiro)

Asher Bachar Banu – Why I Am Proud To Be A Yid!

Humility – The Foundation To It All

Davening – Our Most Powerful Weapon

Happiness & Hardships… Navigating Life’s Ups And Downs

Practice Makes Perfect – How To Judge People Favorably

Q&A For Teachers, Rebbes and Educators

Strengthening Our Bitachon and Emunah

Lashon Harah – Not Here! Including Fascinating Halachic Q&A

United We StandAchdus – Our Real Strength

Truth at all cost – Is it ever permitted to lie

Creating Your Best Self!

Eating Matters – Inspiring Shiur To Help Direct Eating The Torah Way

Prisoners Exchange in Halacha

Golden Crumbs From The Table of Gedolei Yisroel (Q&A)

Can You Risk Your Life To Save Others

Medical Q&A

Ba’alei Teshuva Q&A

The Spirit Of Shabbos

Kibbud Av Va’Em

Horrific Questions In Jewish History (Holocaust and War-Time Q&A)

Are You Allowed To Buy Insurance?

Insurance Matters – Fascinating Halachic Q&A And Chizzuk In Bitachon

Death & Burial – That Which We Don’t Want To Discuss… (Including Q&A, Chizzuk and Inspiring Stories. Very Suitable For Shloshim Or Yahrzeit)

Is Celebrating A Birthday A Jewish Tradition

Building A Shul – The Importance Of Building A Synagogue And Davening There

All Night Shiur! 4-10 Hour Long Shiur – Suitable For Yeshivos & Special Events

Parnasa Matters – Q&A Chizzuk, Stories and Segulot For Success

Is Vegetarianism Recommended

Is Chazzanot A Good Idea?

Kiddush Hashem – The Greatest Mitzva

Tzedaka Matters!

Go See Tzadikim! The Significance of Seeing Gedolim and Receiving Their Blessings

All You Wanted to Know About Tefilin

Real Estate Fascinating Halachic q&a

Can You Own a Dog

Ayin Hara – Should You Worry About The “Evil Eye”?

Are You Ready To Learn Kabbala?

The Honor Of Talmidei Chachamim And The Torah

Chizzuk For Torah Learning

The Mitzva Of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel

Wild Cases in Halacha Q&A

Torah 24-7?

Dreams And Their Meanings

Preparation For Beginning Of Zeman in Yeshivot

Preparation For Vacation (Bein Hazemanim) in Yeshivot

Preparation For Yamim Nora’im – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur

Anger Management – Is It Possible Not To Get Angry?

All You Wanted To Know About Names (Naming Babies, Can You Change/Add A Name, Including Rulings from Maran, Harav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L)

Elevating Our Challenges – How To Deal With Nisyonos

Rabbi Akiva – Behind The Scenes With The Greatest Tanna

Know How To Answer Christian Missionaries

Music And You – The Importance Of Shabbos Zemiros And Much More

Business Matters – Can One Sell His Mitzvos/Aveiros

All About Asking Forgiveness And Forgiving

– The Obligation To Honor Cohanim – Should You Let The Cohen Go First At The Checkout Line? Can You Hire A Cohen To Clean Your Apartment? And Much More

Mashiach Matters! – When Will He Finally Arrive? Many Secrets Reveled

– Tisha BeAv – 4 hour shiur on the kinos

Programs for Tisha BeAv can revolve around achdus and lashon hara

The Stories Of The Destruction Of Beit Hamikdash (Shiur on Masechet Gittin 55b-58a , around 2 hours, suitable for Tisha BeAv)

Shiurim For The Three Weeks and Tisha BeAv

Teshuva – The Ultimate Time Tunnel

Teshuva – 3 Steps To Changing People And Bad Decrees

Shiurim For Pesach

Shiurim For Lag BaOmer

Shiurim For Shavuot – The Love For Torah

Shiurim For Sukkot

Shiurim For Chanukah

Shiurim For Purim

Shiur For Siyum Mashechet Or Sha”s

Can We Bring Sacrifices Today?

Should One Grow A Beard?

Do We Want To Suffer? Judaism’s view on afflictions

“HaKal HaKal Techila” – Yom Kippur Halacha shiur

Should One Afflict Himself To Atone For His Sins?

Can You Feed Your Child On A Fast Day בדין איסור ספייה לקטנים

“Clone Your Self And Meat Your Future” – Beef up on information related to cloning humans and lab-grown cultured meat and the resulting halachic implications

Shmura Matzah Or Not – That Is The Question…

– Matza Eating – How Fast Should You Go

Can You Hold On To Your Regular Stock Portfolio On Pesach

Pesach Cleaning – Halacha Lema’ase – What And How Do You Really Have To Clean

Can You Daven To An Angel

Can You Benefit From A Miracle?

The Greatness Of King David

– Covid 19 Pandemic Time – Fascinating Halachic Q&A As A Result Of The Coronavirus

– Converts & Conversions – Fascinating Revelations

– Hespedim Of Gedolei Israel – Maran Harav Elyashiv, Maran Harav Shteinman, Maran Harav Kanievsky zt”l

Shiurim Can Be Given In Hebrew Or English.

Shiurim Are Given To Men, Or Men And Women (separately seated)

Flyers From Past Events And Shabbatonim

“Speaker/author is a talmid of Maran the Gaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L, the Gaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a and the Gaon Rav Ephraim Greenblatt ZT”L
He has been working in Jewish outreach for many years and is a recognized dynamic and inspiring lecturer on many topics and is often invited to speak in many shuls,
yeshivot and events in Israel and abroad
He is a prolific author, with 27 published seforim thus far on Halacha and Aggada, including the highly acclaimed Measure For Measure – Haggadah shel Pesach and Megillas Esther, the new Shulchan Aruch for Rabbis and Torah scholars and the new Chumash with all 4,000 inclusion and exclusion words in the Torah explained.
All his seforim received enthusiastic support of Gedolei Yisroel. He also has a worldwide following, attracting thousands of visitors monthly, through a free website. On the site, there are thousands of shiurim (currently more then 22,000 with new ones added daily) in Hebrew and English, sharing wonderful insights into the depths of the Torah and ideas we can use in our daily lives.”
“He will make you laugh, he will make you cry; he will inspire and empower you, but more importantly, he will propel you to action – getting closer to Hashem.”

From my master and teacher, Maran, Sar HaTorah, Harav Chaim Kanievsky, ZT”L
With the help of Heaven – Shevat, Shemittah 5775
Our beloved Rav and Gaon R’ Aharon Yehoshua Pessin, shlit”a, has merited to publish many important works… I’ve known the author for several years. He is a Torah scholar whose fear of Heaven precedes his knowledge. We can hope that this work will be of benefit to all and will strengthen their fear of Heaven.Chaim Kanievsky

“Rabbi Pessin can connect you to people, and to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. He has open access everywhere.” Harav Hagaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a

To be added to the recipient list or for scheduling a shiur or Shabbaton at your shul/ yeshiva/ simcha/ event, please email us at [email protected]
American line 646 340 5403        Israeli cell 972 542 510 336