Our Seforim

B”H our seforim were zoche to receive haskamos (approbations) from gedolei Yisroel Shlit”a.
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The New Chumash with All 4,000 Inclusion and Exclusion words in the Torah Explained

Seemingly, there are about 4000 superfluous words in the Torah! Chazal teach us that the words את, אך, גם, רק always come to include and to exclude (מיעוט וריבוי), so these words really are not necessary for the grammatical structure of the pasuk and are there only to convey a hidden message. Sometimes the hidden information is halachically related and other times the message is in other areas of Torah (Mussar, Kabbala and more). In this new Chumash all these words are explained! The commentary is from the Bavli and Yerushalmi, Midrashim, Rishonim and Achronim, Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and our new chiddushim. In the beginning of the Chumash there is an extensive hakdama explaining how the ריבוי ומיעוט in these words “works” in both halacha and aggaddah. Also included in the Chumash Onkelus, Rashi and Ba’al Haturim, Haftarot and Megillot. This project echoes the great works of the Torah Temima (R’ Baruch Epstein zt”l) and Torah Shleima (R’ Menachem Kasher zt”l) who toiled to connect between the written and oral Torah
2 Vol. 1,550 pages

Measure For Measure – 4 Volumes

An encyclopedia containing more than 12,000 sources showing where we find measure for measure in the Tanach and in Chaza”l’s writings. Combined more then 3,300 pages. 4 volumes. Published by Mosad Harav Kook

הגדה של פסח

The Measure For Measure Haggadah

A comprehensive, in-depth compilation from Rishonim and Acharonim on Tanach, Shas, Midrashim, Zohar and More, emphasizing the measure for measure aspect in the story of the Exodus. Including halachic rulings and customs of Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. English or Hebrew choose yours. Published by Mosad Harav Kook


הגדה של פסח – מדה כנגד מדה

ביאור המדה כנגד מדה בסיפור יציאת מצרים, עם הלכות והנהגות וכן שו”ת ממרן הגר”ח קניבסקי זצ”ל. יצא לאור במהדורות מפוארות בעברית ובאנגלית

megilla 2 volume
מגילת אסתר מדה כנגד מדה 2

The Measure For Measure Megillas Esther

A comprehensive, in-depth compilation from Rishonim and Acharonim on Tanach, Shas, Midrashim, Zohar and more, emphasizing the measure for measure aspect in the story of Purim. Also included are More than 550 interpretations of ‘Ad D’lo Yada’ in Halacha and Aggadah. 2 Vol.

מגילת אסתר ב' חלקים

מגילת אסתר – מדה כנגד מדה כולל 550 ביאורי ”עד דלא ידע” בהלכה ובאגדה

גלימה למגילה ליקוט נרחב ועיון בדברי רבותינו הראשונים והאחרונים בביאור המדה כנגד מדה במגילת אסתר. כולל 550 ביאורי ‘עד דלא ידע’ – בהלכה ובאגדה. דרוש, מוסר, השקפה, פלפול, השלכות הלכתיות מרתקות, סיפורים חידות וגימטריאות, משולבים בעובדות והנהגות מגדולי הדורות. ב’ חלקים.

ברכת המזון אנגלית ועברית

The Measure For Measure Bentcher

A beautiful bentcher with measure for measure interpretations. Including halachic rulings and commentaries from my master and teacher, Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. English or Hebrew version. Can be ordered with dedication on cover for bar mitzvah, weddings, siyum and/or other events

MockUp_Guidance from Above

Guidance From Above

Discussions, observations and Q&A with Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L,. A very wide range of topics that I asked and discussed with R’ Chaim ZT”L, including such topics as: chinuch, chizzuk, emunah, tefilah, Shabbos, Yamim Tovim, parnasa, doctos, names, shidduchim, shalom bayis, eretz Yisroel, different segulos, covid 19, real-estate, tzedakah, clothing, ayin hara, pikoach nefesh, parsha, 4 parts of Shulchan Aruch, conversions, burial, amazing miracles that I witnessed first hand and much much more. 2 Vol. 900 pages

שיח מן השמים

Siach Min HaShamayim

Discussions, observations and Q&A with Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L,. A very wide range of topics that I asked and discussed with R’ Chaim ZT”L, including such topics as: chinuch, chizzuk, emunah, tefilah, Shabbos, Yamim Tovim, parnasa, doctos, names, shidduchim, shalom bayis, eretz Yisroel, different segulos, covid 19, real-estate, tzedakah, clothing, ayin hara, pikoach nefesh, parsha, 4 parts of Shulchan Aruch, conversions, burial, amazing miracles that I witnessed first hand and much much more. 750 pages

הדמיה השלחן הערוך לרב חלק שתי החלקים

HaShulchan Ha’Aruch Larav

Unique halachos and hanhagos for rabbis and talmidei chachamim, covering the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch and the calendar year. Q&A for rabbis and talmidei chachamim including many answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. Inspiring divrei agaddah about talmidei chachamim. 2 vol.

השלחן הערוך לבעל נפש

HaShulchan Ha’Aruch L’Ba’al Nefesh

Stringencies in halacha — Who should practice “chumros”? Should one be machmir or not, and in what areas is it a good idea and in what areas it is not? Covering the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch and the calendar year. Includes great short, inspiring stories from gedolei Yisroel on the right prioritization when personal contingencies clash with the possibility of hurting someone else. Also included are answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l


To Fill the Earth

277 segulos and advice on fertility issues. A treasure trove from our sages and rabbinical authorities throughout the ages. In personal consultation with Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. English/Hebrew

ozen avdecha

Ozen Avdecha

A practical guide to the use of electronic hearing devices and cochlear implants on Shabbos and Yom Tov, and proper fulfillment of Torah obligations by the deaf and hearing-impaired. Q&A including responsa from Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, R’ Asher Weiss Shlit”a and more

limtzo cheshbon

Limtzo Cheshbon

Remarkable mathematical calculations in Torah based on the parshot, davening and yamim tovim. Demonstrating the infinite beauty, depth and wisdom of the Torah

Poteach Et Yadecha 2 Vol פותח את ידך - ב' חלקים

Poteach Et Yadecha – 2 Volumes

Chiddushei Torah and an extensive responsa in halacha, aggadah, hashkafa, musar and chinuch with Gedolei Yisrael: Maran R’ Chaim Kaniyevsky zt”l and many more. 2 Volumes. 1,200 pages

להשתבח בתהלתך

L’hishtabayach Bis’hilotecho

Chiddushi Torah and an extensive responsa in halacha, aggadah, hashkafa, musar and chinuch with gedolei Yisrael: Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L and many more.

Brain Power Mockup

Brain Power

Torah’s Timeless Secrets to A Stronger Memory. A comprehensive collection from the Talmud and our sages on matters which prevent forgetfulness and aid memory, including more than 400 segulos, practical advice, insights, clarifications, explanations and chiddushim, including comments and answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L. Also included are two review charts with the names of all tractates (Mishna and Gemara) and 101 boxes to fill out as one progresses in his learning. IY”H this book will inspire you to dedicate more time to learn and will allow you to retain all you learn. Second expanded edition. Available in Hebrew and English.

קונטרס השכחה והזכרון

קונטרס השכחה והזכרון

ליקוט נרחב של כ-400 סגולות ועצות מעשיות מחז”ל ומרבותינו הראשונים והאחרונים המלמדים כיצד להימנע משכחת הלימוד וכיצד לשפר ולהיטיב את זכרון הדברים הנלמדים. ביאורים, בירורים וחידושים בנושא חשוב זה כולל תשובות והערות מרן הגר”ח קניבסקי זצ”ל. ונלווה אליו ׳פוסטר השינון והחזרה׳ למילוי עצמי של מספר חזרות הלימוד, לקיים מאמרם ז״ל (חגיגה ט:): ״אינו דומה השונה פרקו מאה פעמים לשונה פרקו מאה ואחד״. מהדורא תניינא עם הוספות רבות

בדרכי אבות

In The Way Of Our Forefathers – 2 Volumes

Chaza”l tell us that our holy forefathers kept the Torah before it was given, yet we find for example that Yaakov Avinu married two sisters which is a Torah prohibition! There are hundreds of other questions as well that seem to contradict the statement that the Avos kept all the mitzvos. This book illuminates the perfection of our forefathers’ deeds. It is a very extensive compilation from the Rishonim and Achronim on this matter. We are commanded to walk in the ways of the Avos HaKedoshim and emulate them, and in this work we see not only how they kept all the mitzvos but also how they conducted themselves bein adam l’chaveiro and their midos tovos. Includes many answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. 2 volumes.

maalas rivka

Ma’alot Rivka – On The Torah

Chiddushei Torah and halachic matters as well as correspondence with many gedolei hador (Harav Elyashiv ZT”L, Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and more). 500 pages.

bezot yavo aharon

Bezot Yavo Aharon

Chiddushei Torah and birorei halacha along with Q&A (many letters and verbal answers) with Gedolei Yisrael (Harav Elyashiv ZT”L, R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L, R’ Nissim Karelitz ZT”L, R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman ZT”L, R’ Asher Weiss Shlit”a and more)

baruch asher nasan

Baruch Asher Natan

On Shabbat and all Yamim Tovim. Chiddushi Torah and birorei halacha along with Q&A (many letters and verbal answers) with Gedolei Yisrael (Harav Elyashiv ZT”L, R’ Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L, R’ Nissim Karelitz, R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman ZT”L, R’ Asher Weiss Shlit”a and more)

pri aharon

Pri Aharon

Chiddushim on the Torah, Sha”s, Ramba”m, mussar and more



All the unresolved sugiot which await the psak of Eliyahu Hanavi


Mincha Ketana on the Torah

Chiddushim on the Torah including answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanyevsky zt”l

שקולין כאחד ביחד

Shkolin K’Echad

More than 150 new interpretations and understandings, based on gemara and midrashim, of Chazal’s statement that Moshe and Aharon were equal. (2 different covers)

על כן

Sefer Al Kein on the Torah

Chiddushim on the Torah, including answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanyevsky zt”l

מפתחות הפרנסה אנגלית ועברית
Keys To A Shidduch - French

Keys To A Shidduch

Advice and segulos for finding a Shidduch. A treasure trove From Our Sages and Rabbinical Authorities Throughout the Ages. Supported and encouraged by my master and teacher Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. Hebrew-English / Hebrew-French

מפתחות הפרנסה כריכה צד אנגלית

Keys To Parnasa

106 Teachings and segulos for parnasa and wealth. A treasure trove from our sages and rabbinical authorities throughout the ages. Supported and encouraged by my master and teacher Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. Hebrew/English

על הניסים

Al HaNissim

Q&A with Maran Posek HaDor Harav Nissim Karelitz zt”l and Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l


Uchesavtam – And You Shall Write Them

The importance of chiddushei Torah and the obligation to write them down.
Q&A from Maran HaRav Chaim Kanyevsky zt”l


You Will Return

More than 50 hidden secrets pertaining to teshuva related to the word Zo”t in the Tanach

מה נשתנה שן

Ma Nishtana Shen

66 new interpretations on why you need to blunt the teeth of the wicked son in Haggadah shel Pesach (Seventh edition)

mincha ketana

Mincha Ketana on Maseches Shevuos

Chiddushim on maseches Shevuos including answers from Maran R’ Chaim Kanyevsky zt”l