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Inspiring Stories
Aharon Pessin
Vayakhel & Parshat Para – Too Much/Little, Shabbat Riddles & Inspiring Stories, Excuse Me There Is A “Frum” Fly In Your Cholent! And Much More (English)
Who Is Your Best Friend (English)
Iron Dome Mystery Solved (English)
Iron Dome Mystery Solved (English)
Vayetze – A New Way To Say Thank You (English) Story
Vayishlach – Davening - A camp or a shul (English)
Vayimaen - Jumping Back on the Horse (English)
Sukkot – What did R’ Meir Shapiro of Lublin hold in his hand while dancing on Simchat Torah (English)
Davening – Is there any point to continue davening without kavana (English)
Rosh Hashanah – What kavana should we have in the Shehecheyanu blessing (English)
Rosh Hashanah – The attitude and approach we aught to have (English)
Wartime - We rise and gain strength (English)
Pesach – Preparation for Pesach, Including Stories and Riddles - Rechovot Nissan 5781 (English)
Wild Q&A in Halacha - Waterbury CT Tammuz 5781 (English)
Ki Tetze – Wedding – What did R’ Yisroel Salanter and his wife fight about (English)
Teshuva – Can you help me look for an orange scarf (English)
Teshuva – Sorry, can I please get the change you owe me (English)
Tisha BeAv - New mourning insights (English)
Shoftim – What did the inspector say about dividing an apple to 16 pieces (English)
Matot - What did R' Chaim Kanievsky reveal to his grandson (English)
Kedoshim – Should you give a compliment to a great rabbi (English)
Yitro - Va’Etchanan- Shavuot – Rav Shteinman Refusing To Give A Shiur (English)
Chayei Sara - Vayishlach - Can WD-40 Help Keep Your Eyes And Neshama Sacred (English)
Kedoshim – What Did Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l Say To The Father Whose Daughter Was Very Sick (English)
Fine Tuning Our Focus (English)
Balak - A Great Opportunity In A Gas Station In New Jersey (English)
Chukat – What did Rav Chaim Kanievsky answer when he was asked how is the new apartment (English)
Kedoshim – Love Your Neighbor Like Yourself – Literally? Grand Rebbe Looking For A New Watch, Who Should Carry A Chair, Let’s See If And When I get this Money Back... Should We Be Afraid Of The Current Situation, Amazing Riddles, Inspiring Stories & Many More Incredible Insights (English)
Kedoshim – Who has a good taste in watches (English)
Kedoshim – Was the Schnitzel cold when it got to your table (English)
Kedoshim – The Best Way To Carry A Chair (English)
Kedoshim - Let’s See If And When I get this Money Back (English)
Kedoshim – Doctor, please rush over and save my sons life! (English)
Kedoshim – Why didn’t the rosh yeshiva and the Rebbe speak for 20 years (English)
Kedoshim – How Much money would you pay this guy for reading the Torah on Chol Hamoed (English)
Kedoshim – Who can become a walking chizuk machine (English)
Kedoshim – Is there a major mistake in the Shulchan Aruch (English)
Beshalach – Who are these lions (English)
Purim – New tips for successful fundraising (English)
Shmini – What did Rabbi Avraham Pam say to the rich man at the wedding (English)
Sukkot – From which mitzvah is a sick person exempt (English)
Re’eh – Shoftim – Ki Tetze – What mitzva should you be looking for (English)
Pekodei – Meet the new fake Baal shem Tov’s new grandson (English)
Pekodei - No no, thank you! (English)
The 3 Weeks – What do you think of during sunset (English)
Ki Tetze – Wedding – A new advice for every husband and wife (English)
How Should We Be Saying Tehilim (English)
Davening – Whom Should You Say Shalom Aleichem To And Who Has Hashem’s Direct Phone Number - Inspiring Stories About The Importance Of Having Kavana In Our Prayers (English)
Story Time - Is Your Back Hurting (English)
Story Time - How Can You Be So Happy When You Are Sick In Bed (English)
Ki Tetze – The second wife and the chazzan (English)
Ki Tavo - Who is influenced by a cow (English)
Ekev – What blessing did the Rebbe say first (English)
Vayishlach – How should the widow call her new son (English)
Yitro – Va’Etchanan – Who can see whom (English)
Vayechi - Who Owned Half Of Bnei Brak (English)
Was it a good idea to wake her husband up at 2:30 am (English)
Beshalach – Who will support you after you get married (English)
How Did Rav Chaim kanievsky earn his livelihood (English)
Beshalach – What do you know about Nachshon Ben Aminadav (English)
Beshalach – You have 24 hours to prove to me Hashem exists! (English)
Beshalach – How to make your best friend happy (English)
Beshalach – Did you ever try splitting water (English)
Shemot – What is greater, appreciation or Divine Inspiration (English)
Shemot - Are There Any Leniencies in Brisk (English)
Story Time - Would you repay the doctor who saved you this way as well (English)
Would you believe how this patient repaid the doctor who saved him (English)
The most amazing story of how the patient repaid the doctor who saved him (English)
Chanukah – When they came back on motzei Shabbat their house was in shambles… (English) (Shorts)
Chanukah – When they came back on motzei Shabbat their house was in shambles… (English)
Toldot – The most expensive meal you can think of (English)
Ki Tetze - Wartime - Was The Chafetz Chaim trying to scare people (English)
Ki Tetze - Wartime - Was The Chafetz Chaim trying to scare people (English)
Shoftim – Shabbat – Why was the Chafetz Chaim crying so much (English)
Sukkot – How to dress up the sefer Torah for Simchat Torah (English)
Sukkot – Please, you take the most beautiful etrog in the world! (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Davening – What happened to the soldier after surgery (English)
Ki Tetze – Was the Chafetz Chaim trying to scare the people around him (English)
Ki Tavo – Where was Rabbi Sonnenfeld running to (English)
Bamidbar – Can you learn from what the Shulchan Aruch never wrote (English)
Shelach Lecha – Why didn’t the Ta”z change his talit (English)
Metzora – How Did R’ Chaim Of Volozhin Start His Yeshiva (English)
Korach – What was the secret of Rav Vosner’s longevity (English)
Mishpatim – Who is always on time for davening and who is not (English)
Emor – What mitzvah can you get at the gas station (English)
Yitro – Is Hashem helping you (English)
Shmini – Re’eh – Who was smarter than the Rambam (English)
Re’eh – What did R' Eizel Charif say to the shochet (English)
Kedoshim – Is it a good idea to carry your own chair (English)
Kedoshim – How Many People Can Fit In One Car (English)
Kedoshim – Why was the Rebbe looking for a new watch (English)
Beshalach – Is Reading Meggilat Esther A New Segula For Parnasa (English)
Shavuot – What Is The Best Thing To Think About In The Middle Of The The Night (English)
Chanukah – What happen when this family came home after Shabbat (English)
Vayera – How and when should you stop your child's wild behavior (English)
Vayera – What was this father counting – A must for all parents (English)
Incredible Stories About Living With Complete Faith (Emunah) in Hashem (English)
Ki Tavo - Elul - Eretz Yisrael, Who's Considered Crazy A Mitzva With No Reward, AC In Bnei Brak, Separating Boys And Girls & Much More (English)
Noach – What happened to the rabbi who got drunk at the party (English)
Sukkot – Is it really all going down hill now (English)
Vayelech – How to find out if a sefer Torah is kosher (English)
Not Judging So Quickly - Bukharian Jewish Community Center - Av 5783
Be Happy, Every Day is a Gift - Irgun Shiurei Torah
Kid Was Choking - What The Father Did Next...
Rosh Hashanah – The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings On Absorbing Messages From Above (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Did the king execute his son (English)
The 3 Weeks – What was the one condition the surgeon made (English)
Elul – What can I give you for saving my life (English)
Teshuva – Why did the heretic do teshuva before he died (English)
The 3 Weeks - If you could Invite ANYONE for Dinner (English)
Matot – Your money or your wife (English)
The 3 Weeks - Who was really smoking on Shabbat (English)
Matot - 2 way neder (English)
Matot – Massei & The 3 Weeks - The Hardest Mitzva in The Torah, Husband & Wife Story, The $1,000 Neder, 1st Waze In History and More Incredible Stories and Insights (English)
Vayetze – How many stones were thrown at the rabbi (English)
Yitro - Mount Sinai & The Lawyer Who Never Lost a Case Until... (English)
Ki Tavo - Aliyah Story of the Bat Ayin - The Roads Are Paved With Jewels (English)
How Much digging do you do (English)
Shemot - A miscalculation by the Rabbi's assistant created a small confusion (English)
The 3 weeks – Why did the Adere”t cry (English)
Shoftim – Who can answer all the questions he is asked in Torah (English)
Tazria – What would you have answered the surgeon (English)
Pinchas – Should this lottery be canceled (English)
The 3 Weeks – Why Did Rabbi Nissim Karelitz Cry (English)
Bechokotai – Do We Appreciate The Chafetz Chaim’s Effort And Does It Matter At All (English)
Shmini – Why Did Rabbi Elyashiv Rush Back Home (English)
Sukkot – What did Rabbi Meir of Premishlan say to Hashem when his daughter was very sick (English)
Shemot – Who should learn Rashi on the parsha (English)
Lech Lecha – How would you react if hot tea spilled on your suit (English)
Tazria – Metzora – What would it take to make you give over secrets to our enemies (English)
Vayera – How In The World Were You Able To Change These Kids Around (English)
Yom Kippur – Can You Always Do Teshuva – The Remarkable Story You Won’t Want To Miss (English)
Shabbat Shuva – A Long Long Fast And The Reason For It
Selichot – Was moving to the big city a good idea (English)
Selichot – Can you get a room in a hotel without paying for it (English)
Ki Tetze – Wedding - When Is The Right Time To Leave The House (English)
Beshalach - Davening – Can There Be A Better Friend Than The Chazon Ish (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Why do we like to hear bad news (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Can I upgrade my ticket to first class (English)
Ekev – Why did R’ Shteinman feel we are so lucky (English)
Kedoshim – Your wig is beautiful (English)
Kedoshim – Why would a teacher hit his students back (English)
Chanukah – Finding Light In The Darkness – An Inspiring Story For the First Night Of Chanukah (English)
Teshuva – Will the polygraph catch those who broke the statue (English)
Ki Tetze – Wedding - The secret for a happy marriage and shalom bayit (English)
Ki Tavo - What Did Maran Rav Chaim kanievsky zt"l Write On His Air conditioner (English)
Mishpatim – Davening – How to be able to pay back all your debts (English)
The 3 Weeks – What do we have left from the time of the second Bet Hamikdash (English)
Ekev – Can you tell me how much money you have (English)
Vayeshev – Whom would you invite for that special dinner (English)
Beshalach – Did Reuven have to pay the loan to his friend (English)
Kedoshim – Why didn’t the young guy want to use the elevator (English)
How to prepare the ultimate cup of Jewish coffee... (English)
What Gives You Joy? A Remarkable True Story That will Inspire You (English)
Pesach – Did the ‘Noda B’Yehuda’ see Eliyahu HaNavi (English)
Miketz – What can yield compassion from Above (English)
Va'etchanan – Davening – What Was Going On In The Shul At 2:00 Am (English)
Bo - Va'etchanan – Ekev – Why Was The Old Man Happy When He Heard The Terrible News (English)
Shemot – Does Hashem really care how I put my shoes on (English)
Sukkot – The Question – Saying the blessing twice (English)
Vayigash – Will we fulfill our potential (English)
Chanukah – Fascinating Halachic Q&A And Riddles - Kislev 5781 (English)
Chanukah - 2 Stories – Refining Our Light (English)
Lech Lecha – Why did R’ Sonnefeld want to eat the chickpeas at the Shalom Zachar (English)
Yitro – Why did the chasid stop davening (English)
Tzav - Thank Hashem And Don’t Take Anything For Granted (English)
Getting Ready For Yom Kippur 5781 Includes inspiring stories (English)
Coronavirus – Why Did The Chazan Pause In The Middle Of The Chazan’s Repetition Of The Amidah (English)
Elul – Why Didn’t The Steipler Want To Sell His Books (English)
The 3 weeks – What should you do to get a compliment (English)
Kedoshim – Why Was The Husband Yelling At His Wife (English)
The 3 weeks – When should you plan your trip (English)
Story Time - A little of the greatness of the Arizal (English)
Your Words Can Kill - Your Words Can Heal (English)
The Baal Shem Tov’s Great Segula For Refuah (English)
Ki Tavo – Was The Old Man Happy Carrying The Heavy Buckets Of Water (English)
Vayera – How great people conduct themselves before they die (English)
Beshalach – Can you clap your hands in davening - The essence of song (English)
Coronavirus – Why Was Rabbi Yisrael Salanter Gazing At The Stars On A Tuesday Evening (English)
Metzora - What should you do if you get too much respect (English)
Shelach Lecha – What Did R’ Elyah Lopian answer the lady who asked him what time it was (English)
Shelach Lecha – What did R’ Elyah Lopian answer his student who asked if he can go to the wedding (English)
Vayetze – For how long should you be upset when you lose something valuable (English)
Shelach Lecha – Why was the talit crying (English)
Shelach Lecha – Why do you have such long strings on your tzitzit (English)
Yitro – How many $100 bills will be enough (English)
Mishpatim – Where did Rav Taviomi’s wife go (English)
Yom Kippur – What happened to the rebbetzin who almost missed her flight (English)
Behar – Re’eh – Will the orphans be able to sleep tonight (English)
A Special Shiur - Halachic Q&A, Coronavirus, Chizuk Stories, Riddles And Judging People Favorably (English)
Coronavirus – Why Did The Old Man Start Crying (English)
Coronavirus – Should We Even Thank Hashem Now (English)
Special Shiur On Ba’Alei Teshuva Q&A In Halacha Yeshivat Tiferet Bachurim (English)
Coronavirus – Who Danced Around A Pail (English)
Davening – Our Most Powerful Weapon (English)
Hakarat Hatov - Appreciation - Philadelphia Community Kollel - Adar 1 5779
Teshuva – The Ultimate Time Tunnel - Philadelphia Community Kollel - Elul 5778 (English)
Vayechi – How can one be happy even in difficult times (English)
Ki Tisa – A sure way to get rid of a big crowd (English)
Kedoshim – Are you really not allowed to steal... (English)
Ki Tavo – What happened to the kid who swallowed a coin (English)
Elul – What do you think of when the month of Elul comes (English)
Sukkot – How many times did the Chafetz Chaim build his Sukka (English)
Mishpatim – Do you eat gebrokts on Pesach (English)
Do you like getting stuck in traffic (English)
Shabbat – The special kiddush by Baron Rothschild (English)
Ki Tetze – What did the teacher do to the kid who stole the watch (English)
Kedoshim – The most remarkable story of the bone marrow donor (English)
Re’eh – Tzedaka - Reaching in...reaching out (English)
korach – Which one of the sisters got the earrings (English)
Kedoshim – Can you figure out the end of this shocking story – take 1 (English)
Kedoshim – Can you figure out the end of this shocking story – take 2 (English)
Purim – Why did the rich man want to buy that Megilla (English)
Tzav – Do you enjoy taking out the garbage (English)
Kedoshim – Can you violate Shabbat to save Rabbi Israel Salanter (English)
Chizzuk, Bitachon and Emunah - How much snow will fall this year (English)
Mishpatim – Davening – Who will pay for the expensive meal in the restaurant (English)
Vayishlach – Who is worried and who is not (English)
Metzora – Why did the wife of the Tosfot Yom Tov shine the silver cup (English)
The 3 Weeks – 10th of Tevet – Who cried when the lottery ticket was gone (English)
Va'etchanan – Who should open and close the door of the bus (English)
Teshuva - My beloved is knocking Open for me (English)
Vayigash – Would your kid want you to visit him (English)
Teshuva – Did the old man get a heart attack like he promised he will (English)
Kedoshim – Try to wake up your husband at 2:30 am (English)
Ki Tetze – Who should return the gold coin (English)
Ki Tetze – A segula for Shalom bayit (English)
Teshuva – What happened to the brand new car (English)
Teshuva – Looking for the orange scarf (English)
Ki Tetze – The amazing instruction of R’ Shlomo Zalman Oyerbach (English)
Mishpatim – Davening – Was the Chafetz Chaim interested in finance (English)
Teshuva – How old is your car (English)
The 3 weeks – What happens if you eat grass (English)
Va'etchanan – What happened when King Shlomo was seen davening (English)
Mishpatim – Why do children start learning tractate Bava Metziah (English)
Elul – How can an extra candy change your life - Rav Shteinman ztl’s brilliance (English)
Shavuot – Yitro - Mishpatim – How did the lawyer surprise everyone in court (English)
Behar – Why did the Rebbe ask his chassid to call him at 4 am (English)
Va'etchanan – How did the teacher convince the kid to get off the tree (English)
Teshuva - What is the value of one screw (English)
Teruma – Why did you come to me if you know I don’t give any tzedaka (English)
Lech Lecha – Shelach Lecha – The dispute in the new expanded shul (English)
Va’etchanan – Why didn’t the Chatam Sofer put on tefilin of rabbeinu Tam (English)
Tazria – Metzora – The great favor Maran HaRav Shteinman received (English)
Emor – Can the Cohen marry this lady or not (English)
Elul – Will we be able to move forward (English)
Elul – Go ahead keep drinking! (English)
Yitro - Don't serve other gods - a fascinating story (English)
Kedoshim – Please go to my neighbor (English)
Shavuot – What were the twins doing in the bar (English)
Pesach – What did Rabbi Ben Tzion Aba Shaul say about nullifying the chametz (English)
Tetzave – Who slapped the Chafetz Chaim and why (English)
Yitro - Vaetchanan – Why did the poor man sit in front of the restaurant every evening (English)
Yitro – Vaetchanan – Shavuot – But Why Me (English)
Yitro - Va'etchanan – Shavuot – Why didn’t Rav Shteinman want to give a shiur (English)
Achrei Mot – What did the Vilna Gaon answer the merchant (English)
Bechokotai – The advice of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita give about Getting an Aliyah in shul (English)
Behaalotecha - Why did the Rebbetzin embarrass and humiliate her husband all the time (English)
Behaalotecha – Does Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky know the answer (English)
Behaalotecha – Why was the Rosh Yeshiva concerned (English)
Behaalotecha – Why would you push an empty carriage (English)
Behaalotecha – Would you go out wearing only one sock (English)
Behar – Can the land speak (English)
Behar – Don’t embarrass anyone (English)
Behar – How much money will the widow get (English)
Bereshit – What if you had only 4 days to live (English)
Beshalach – A chilling story about trust in Hashem (English)
Beshalach – How much would you pay for something R’ Chaim of Volozhin wrote (English)
Beshalach – The amazing story of the doctor who saw Hashem’s hand (English)
Beshalach – The chair of the Chafetz Chaim (English)
Beshalach – The most amazing story about emunah (English)
Beshalach – Why did the Shac”h refuse to go out again to do business (English)
Bo – Behar – Good morning Mr. Pesach Avraham (English)
Bo – How will the rich guy fulfill his vow and still keep all his assets (English)
Bo – Was the cheese really kosher (English)
Chanukah – What can we learn from checkers (English)
Chayei Sara – How did Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz find his wife (English)
Chukat – Should you cut some toes off perhaps or change the shoe (English)
Chukat – Why couldn’t the Ba'al Shem tov go in to the shul (English)
Chukat – Why was the Steipler giving a shiur while lying in bed (English)
Yitro - Va'etchanan – Who is the real prince (English)
Davening – Having the proper intention during davening (English)
Davening – Should you daven when you don’t have any kavanah (English)
Devarim – What happened to the rabbi who threatened the richest guy in town (English)
Ekev – Davening – How to get the box full of gold (English)
Ekev – Davening – What can happen if you are careful to say Amen (English)
Ekev – Squeeze the heavens (English)
Ekev – The Rabbi’s advice on how to combat arrogance (English)
Ekev – The secret of Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin for a good life (English)
Ekev – Who serves as a hose (English)
Ekev – Why didn’t Moshe Rabbeinu sleep when he was in Shamayim (English)
Ekev – Why do women love music (English)
Ekev – Davening – What can happen if you are careful to say Amen (English)
Elul – How to learn Mussar (English)
Elul – How to stick to what you decided to do (English)
Elul – Will you keep your word and give 2.5 million dollars (English)
Emor – Would you like a piece of a royal cake (English)
Kedoshim – At what age did the Chafetz Chaim have a big party (English)
Kedoshim – Did the Ramba”m eat a human hand (English)
Kedoshim – How many rabbis should you ask before speaking lashon hara (English)
Kedoshim – Naso – Why do you never stay for the Cohanim’s blessing (English)
Kedoshim – Nobody called you!!! (English)
Kedoshim – Shouldn't I be happy that I helped the old man (English)
Kedoshim – What did the Mashgiach do with the other glove (English)
Kedoshim – What do you write on the sand and what on stone (English)
Kedoshim – What was written on the paper (English)
Kedoshim – Who is better than whom (English)
Kedoshim – Who wanted to kill the Shl”a Hakadosh (English)
Kedoshim – Who will be the new Rosh Yeshiva (English)
Kedoshim – Why did the doctor delay for 6 hours (English)
Kedoshim – Why didn’t Rav Dessler get off the bus (English)
Kedoshim – Would you give money to this Rosh Yeshiva (English)
Ki Tavo – A memorable funeral in Jerusalem (English)
Ki Tetze - How messy is your house (English)
Ki Tetze – Erasing Amalek (English)
Mishpatim - Mercy (English)
Ki Tetze – Would you up get up and ride the horse again (English)
Ki Tisa - Why is the picture missing from the wall (English)
Ki Tisa – Don’t delay and miss eternal opportunities (English)
Ki Tisa – How much is Shabbat worth (English)
Ki Tisa – Leave some of the mitzvah for your friends – Amazing story (English)
Ki Tisa – Should you put on the bandage (English)
Lech Lecha – Do you want your candlesticks back (English)
Lech Lecha – Sukkot – Can the rich guy be the chatan Torah (English)
Lech Lecha – What Challah should the Rebbe cut first (English)
Lech Lecha – What caused the big ugly scar (English)
Lech Lecha – Would you like success but without a blessing (English)
Matot – Davening – What did the Chazon Ish tell the father (English)
Matot – How did the Rebbe get he rich guy to build a new mikveh (English)
Matot – Why did the Rem”a write all the minhagim of Ashkenazi Jewry (English)
Metzora – So what did you accomplish this morning (English)
Metzora – What does the monkey think of you (English)
Mishpatim – An eye for an eye – literally! (English)
Mishpatim – Behar - Ki Tetze – How much does it cost to be buried (English)
Mishpatim – How should you tell this story (English)
Mishpatim – Who converted because of an ox (English)
Mishpatim – Who tried to scam Baron Rothschild (English)
Naso – How should you bless klal Yisrael (English)
Nitzavim – How close is it to you (English)
Nitzavim – The most beautiful decoration (English)
Noach – One siyum you don’t want to have (English)
Pekodei – Can you believe this crazy thought (English)
Pesach – Does nulfing chametz always work (English)
Pesach – How does Hashem save us (English)
Pesach – The shocking and inspiring matzah story you won’t want to miss! (English)
Re’eh – Are you worthy of Hashem’s gifts (English)
Re’eh – Can you live without eating (English) Tzedaka
Re’eh – How many people are in the ambulance (English)
Re’eh – How to get rid of a heartache (English)
Re’eh – Please eat meat and drink wine every day (English)
Re’eh – Should Yeshiva students sleep on the ground (English)
Re’eh – Should you say a bracha for a successful business deal (English)
Re’eh – Tzedaka – Where should you donate your money (English)
Re’eh – What material do you use for your suits (English)
Re’eh – Who came all the way from Europe to sew your buttons (English)
Re’eh – Why did the Cazon Ish dance in the middle of the street (English)
Shoftim – Mishpatim – The power of one gold coin
Re’eh – Why did the Gaon of Vilna get upset (English)
Re’eh – Why didn’t the father pay his son back (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Yom Kippur - Davening – The fear of a king (English)
Rosh Hashanah – Yom Kippur – The importance of davening (English)
Shabbat – Pirkei Avot (1) – What was the 87 year old man doing in the dark cave (English)
Shabbat – Pirkei Avot – Are you embarrassed when you do mitzvot (English)
Shavout – Is the Torah bothering us (English)
Shavout – The invisible Rebbe (English) - Story time
Shavout – What can you tell us about Rabbi Tzadka (English)
Shavuot – The money changer that became a rosh yeshiva (English)
Shavuot – The store of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a (English)
Shavuot – What happens a week after the wedding (English)
Shavuot – What would you do with 12 glasses full of pure gold (English)
Shavuot – Why do we raise the sefer Torah and show it to everyone in shul (English)
Shavuot – Why was the store losing money (English)
Shelach Lecha – Dangerous – not for the faint of heart (English)
Shelach Lecha – Why aren't the bells working! (English)
Shemot – Rosh Hashanah – Learning the appropriate intentions for blowing shofar (English)
Shemot – What did the Gerrer Rebbe tell his Gabbai (English)
Shemot – Why did the Malbim carry his shoes under his arm (English)
Shmini - Why didn't Rabbi Avramsky eat the soup (English)
Shmini – Why didn’t Rav Elyashiv tz”l answer the question (English)
Shoftim – Do you want to know the language of the birds (English)
Shoftim – Mishpatim - Bribery blinds the eyes of the wise (English) סיפור
Shoftim – Mishpatim – The power of one gold coin (English)
Shoftim – Why wasn’t Rabbi Avramsky afraid during the war (English)
Story - Satmar Rebbe (English)
Story time - Amazing facts about Maran HaRav Elyashiv shlita (English)
Story time - Hachnasat Orchim (English)
Story time - R' Zisha and the 300 ruble (English)
Story time - Sacrifice for Torah learning (English)
Story time - The Rambam and the truth of Torah (English)
Story time - The love and dedication for Torah (English)
Story time - The miracle apple (English)
Story time - The power of a bracha from a tzadik (English)
Story time - What 2 minutes can cause (English)
Story time - Where does the success come from (English)
Tazria – Who was the old man who came to the brit mila (English)
Teruma – Should a person who is collecting for a yeshiva drive a fancy car (English)
Tetzave – Who is holy of holies (English)
The 3 weeks – What do you answer Eliyahu Hanavi (English)
Tisha BeAv – Should you paint your house on in the middle of the fast (English)
Tzav – This summer salt is for you Hashem! (English)
Va'etchanan – Ekev – The mezuzah that made the child hungry (English)
Yitro – The perfect answer! (English)
Va'etchanan – Ekev – Why did the Rebbe R’ Elimelech stop wearing Rabbeinu Tam tefillin (English)
Va'etchanan – When should you learn (English)
Va'etchanan – Who really gave food to the poor person (English)
Vayakhel – How do you gain two mitzvot for the price of one (English)
Vayelech – Va’etchanan – Why did the Ba’al Shem Tov cry (English)
Vayera – The story of the true tzadik (English)
Vayera – What did the Stypler do when he was very old and weak (English)
Vayeshev – Vayishlach – Tzedaka - Who is that man (English)
Vayetze – How to cut the rungs of the ladder (English)
Vayigash – What did the Sha’agat Arieh promise his congregation (English)
Yitro - Do you want to do gelilla of the sefer Torah (English)
Yitro - What did the Chazon Ish think about the 5th commandment (English)
Vayishlach – Which one of the rabbis was right (English)
Vayishlach – Why didn’t Yakov send dogs to his brother (English)
Va’etchanan – Know what to answer (English)
VeZot Habracha – Don’t take apart the train tracks (English)
Yitro – How did R’ Bunim want to pay the butcher (English)
Yitro – Shabbat or a gold coin (English)
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Didn’t R’ Aharon of Belz listen to his father (English)
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Jews of yester-years (English)
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Why didn’t the Stypler wake up his daughter (English)
Yom Kippur – The amazing confession of the young man on the ship (English)
Yom Kippur – What time was it when the Rebbe davened Mincha (English)
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