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Teshuva & Selichot
Aharon Pessin
Selichot – Why should we be forgiven (English)
Nitzavim – Teshuva - Who Is Moshe Rabbeinu Speaking To (English)
Teshuva – Newness In A New Way (English)
Teshuva – Tzedaka - The best mitzva to engage in (English)
Teshuva – Sorry, can I please get the change you owe me (English)
Teshuva – Sin and repent sin and repent (English)
Teshuva – Can you help me look for an orange scarf (English)
Teshuva – The First Thing One Should Do (English)
Teshuva – Davening - What Does Hashem Want From Us (English)
Teshuva – How strict should you be (English)
Teshuva – Experiencing a resurrection when one is alive (English)
Teshuva – Davening - The main part of teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Does partial teshuva work (English)
Nitzavim – Selichot – The right time to start (English)
Nitzavim – What type of teshuva is required (English)
Elul – Teshuva – Why does this condition work (English)
Teshuva – Can You Get A Room In A Hotel Without Paying A Dollar (English)
Nitzavim – Shabbat and Teshuva (English)
Nitzavim – Vayelech – Teshuva - Flip Your Challenges, Can She Steal A Mezuza, Kashrut or Tzniyut, How is Hashem like a Mikve, And Much More... (English)
Selichot - How To Get God's Forgiveness (English)
Yom Kippur – Open those special packages... (English)
Yom Kippur – Water and teshuva (English)
Teshuva - She Revealed Her Disturbing Past - Should He Keep The Shidduch - They Asked R' Shteinman Zt”L (English)
Aseret Yemi Teshuva – Do Ashkenazim have a different minhag (English)
Teshuva – How can using your keyboard help reflect on your deeds (English)
Teshuva – Fear or Love (English)
Teshuva – Why did the heretic do teshuva before he died (English)
Teshuva – Who can we rely on (English)
Nitzavim – Teshuva - Where was Moshe (English)
Haazinu – Shabbat Shuva – Listen and hear (English)
Teshuva – Do we need afflictions or not (English)
Teshuva – 2 Types Of Tzadikim (English)
Teshuva – Will my teshuva be accepted (English)
Teshuva – Why is confession so important (English)
Teshuva – Who won’t let whom do teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Who Are We Comparing To Whom (English)
Teshuva – What type of mitzvos do sins transform to (English)
Teshuva – Getting Rid Of Bad Habits (English)
Yom Kippur – Can You Always Do Teshuva – The Remarkable Story You Won’t Want To Miss (English)
Shabbat Shuva – A Long Long Fast And The Reason For It (English)
Selichot – Why should Hashem forgive us (English)
Selichot – Was moving to the big city a good idea (English)
Selichot – Can you get a room in a hotel without paying for it (English)
Teshuva – Will the polygraph catch those who broke the statue (English)
Teshuva – What can we learn from writing a get to doing teshuva (English)
Teshuva – How to achieve never ending merits (English)
Teshuva – Is it too late (English)
Teshuva – Ki Tetze – The Question - Married or not (English)
Teshuva – Ki Tetze – The Answer - Married or not (English)
Teshuva – How careful we have to be!
Elul – Who is far and who is near (English)
Selichot – Don’t Cast Me Away (English)
Yom Kippur – Where Is The Redemption (English)
Yom Kippur – The Answer – When should one not accept on himself a new resolution (English)
Yom Kippur – The Question – When should one not accept on himself a new resolution (English)
Rosh Hashanah – How important is it to do teshuva between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (English)
Getting Ready For Yom Kippur 5781 Includes inspiring stories (English)
Teshuva – Is confessing in one’s heart enough (English)
Teshuva – Is one allowed to risk his live for teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Does this mitzva only “belong” to us (English)
Coronavirus – What Is The One Thing In The Torah That One Can Not Repent For (English)
Selichot Bnei HaYeshivot Bet Shemesh 5780
Teshuva - Can You Really Go Back In Time (English)
Teshuva – Can one get out of the 50th gate of impurity (English)
Elul – How to do teshuva (English)
Nitzavim – Who stands in front of Hashem (English)
Teshuva – What should we focus on (English)
Teshuva – Can you eliminate the yetzer hara (English)
Teshuva – Regret and surrender (English)
Teshuva – Playing in the mud (English)
Teshuva – Great miracles for a ba’al teshuva (English)
Chayei Sara – Teshuva – Can Yishmael be compared to Sara Imenu (English)
Yom Kippur - Can We Reach An Enduring Purity (English)
Teshuva - What do we contribute to the World (English)
Coronavirus – How Can One Person’s Teshuva Change The Whole World (English)
Special Shiur On Ba’Alei Teshuva Q&A In Halacha Yeshivat Tiferet Bachurim (English)
Teshuva – The Ultimate Time Tunnel - Philadelphia Community Kollel - Elul 5778 (English)
Teshuva – Should you work during Aserest Yemei Teshuva (English)
Shabbat Shuva – What is special about the drasha on this Shabbat (English)
Selichot – Teshuva – Renew our days as of old (English)
Teshuva – Will this year be as good as last one (English)
Teshuva – Who bends down (English)
Teshuva – The importance of new resolutions (English)
Selichot – Should you say it on Shabbat (English)
Nitzavim – Teshuva – Where should you run (English)
Re’eh – Aseret Yemei Teshuva – The time to increase giving tzedaka (English)
Aseret Yemei Teshuva - The power of prayer (English)
Bereshit – Teshuva – Why was First Man kicked out of Gan Eden (English)
Davening – Teshuva – What should propel us to action (English)
What Is Teshuva All About (English)
Teshuva – Is there anything to learn from the first class of American Airlines (English)
Elul – Should you buy glass, silver or gold (English)
Elul – Teshuva - But what will be with my past (English)
Elul – What is the easiest mitzva to fulfill (English)
Aseret Yemei Teshuva - Davening – The Question – When would you end this blessings this way (English)
Teshuva - My beloved is knocking Open for me (English)
Aseret Yemei Teshuva - Davening – The Answer – When would you end this blessings this way (English)
Teshuva – Did the old man get a heart attack like he promised he will (English)
Is It Still Possible To Do Teshuva? Congregation Ahavas Torah, Philadelphia - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5778 (English)
Time To Change! Mesivta Yesoda Yisroel of Elkins Park, Philadelphia - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5778 (English)
Creating Your Best Self - Woodmere, NY - Elul 5778 (English)
Yom Kippur – Is it hard to repent (English)
Ki Tetze – Teshuva - The advantage of being embarrassed for what you did (English)
Yom Kippur – Selichot – Why are you singing (English)
Teshuva – What happened to the brand new car (English)
Teshuva – Looking for the orange scarf (English)
Teshuva – A special place for you (English)
Teshuva – Even 100 times (English)
Nitzavim - Teshuva – Just bend down and pick up the ticket (English)
Teshuva – How old is your car (English)
Elul – How can an extra candy change your life - Rav Shteinman ztl’s brilliance (English)
Teshuva - What is the value of one screw (English)
Teshuva – What can we learn from the minimum requirement for 4 days of Selichot (English)
Teshuva – Selichot – Why 4 days (English)
Teshuva – How should we approach selichot (English)
Selichot – Are we so terrible (English)
Selichot -Trying to awaken Hashem's mercy (English)
Selichot - with what merit (English)
Selichot - Hashem listen to our prayers (English)
Elul - Teshuva - Selichot - Should we be embarrassed (English)
Chukat - Teshuva – Selichot – Don't be cruel (English)
Shavuot – Yitro – Davening – Selichot – Is Torah dependent on dynasty (English)
Shavout – Yitro – Davening – Selichot – Is Torah dependent on dynasty (English)
Chukat - Teshuva – Selichot – Don't be cruel (English)
Shavout – Yitro – Davening – Selichot – Is Torah dependent on dynasty (English)
Teshuva – How should we approach selichot (English)
Teshuva – Selichot – Why 4 days (English)
Aseret Yemei Teshuva - Do it for your sake GOD or for ours (English)
Bereshit – Va’etchanan – The great and rewarding distance of teshuva (English)
Ekev – How do stones help you to do teshuva (English)
Elul - Ba'al teshuva or a tzadik, who is greater (English)
Elul - Teshuva – How can we ever read the Shema (English)
Elul - The power of teshuva (English)
Elul - Why would one man's Teshuva help the entire world (English)
Elul – Teshuva - What picture was hanging in King David’s office (English)
Elul – Teshuva – Davening – Should you just daven again (English)
Elul – Teshuva – Where should you wear a black suit (English)
Elul – When should you start doing teshuva (English)
Elul – Where does the ba’al teshuva stand (English)
Elul – Who is the one who “owns” teshuva (English)
Naso – The root of teshuva should be here (English)
Nitzavim – 3 types of teshuva (English)
Nitzavim – Teshuva – The right time for doing teshuva (English)
Nitzavim – What should a ba’al Teshuva do first (English)
Nitzavim – What will remind us to do teshuva (English)
Noach – Teshuva - A common disease many people suffer from (English)
Noach – Teshuva – What do you do in these 40 days (English)
Rosh Hashanah - Davening – Who are we waiting for to do teshuva (English)
Rosh Hashanah – A recipe for teshuva from Megilat Esther (English)
Shabbat Shuva – Take the words with you (English)
Shabbat – Yamim Tovim – When will we learn Torah (English)
Shavout – Teshuva – Tisha BeAv – The most marvelous gift (English)
Shelach Lecha – Teshuva – How to repent (English)
Teshuva - $15 or a million (English)
Teshuva - Do it for your sake GOD!!! (English)
Teshuva - How can a sin turn to a mitzva (English)
Teshuva - The light that is found in the Mitzvot (English)
Teshuva - how many hours are needed - in English
Teshuva - learning Torah = no tears! (English)
Teshuva – 2 types of tzadikim (English)
Teshuva – A 3 tier strategy to combat the Yetzer Hara (English)
Teshuva – A righteous man can fall seven times and rise (English)
Teshuva – Are we better than the cow (English)
Teshuva – Are wrong thoughts worse than the sin itself (English)
Teshuva – Can you have a birthday everyday (English)
Teshuva – Chukat – Is the tzadik greater than the baal teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Dance and repent (English)
Teshuva – Davening - All you wanted to know about the bracha of Teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Davening – Who are you now (English)
Teshuva – Do you want to be compared to a horse and an elephant (English)
Teshuva – Does the wicked person have his own path (English)
Teshuva – Haftara for Shabbat Shuva (English)
Teshuva – Hashem loves one who does teshuva (English) -
Teshuva – How does it transform the sins to merits (English)
Teshuva – How much should it cost to get us to change (English)
Teshuva – How to fight the yetzer hara (English)
Tzav – Teshuva now!!! (English)
Teshuva – Is it too late (English)
Teshuva – Now he is truly a complete tzadik (English)
Teshuva – Rosh Hashanah - 3 types of people (English)
Teshuva – Shabbat Shuva - I will love them freely (English)
Teshuva – Small attainable goals (English)
Teshuva – The different parts to Teshuva (English)
Teshuva – What can be the claim against us (English)
Teshuva – What can we learn from the fox’s actions (English)
Teshuva – What can we learn from the mother of a new baby (English)
Teshuva – What do we try to cling to (English)
Teshuva – What should you take with you (English)
Teshuva – Who enjoys riding the wave of teshuva (English)
Teshuva – Who got you this suit (English)
Teshuva – Who is the one witness (English)
Teshuva – Who is wise (English)
Teshuva – Why is it so important to cause others to repent (English)
Yom Kippur - Do you have to do Teshuva (English)
Yom Kippur – Knocking on the door of teshuva (English) תפילה
Yom Kippur – Knocking on the door of teshuva (English)
Yom Kippur – Teshuva – How can one sin be so beneficial (English)
Yom Kippur – What kind of teshuva does Hashem accept (English)
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