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סיפורים מרגשים
Aharon Pessin
Sukkot – What did R’ Meir Shapiro of Lublin hold in his hand while dancing on Simchat Torah
Rosh Hashanah – What kavana should we have in the Shehecheyanu blessing
Rosh Hashanah – The attitude and approach we aught to have
ימי מלחמה ושימור ההתעלות - ואנחנו קמנו ונתעודד
Wild Q&A In Halacha, Stories & Riddles
Selichot 5784 Bnei Hayeshivot RBS A
Tisha BeAv - New mourning insights
Kedoshim – Should you give a compliment to a great rabbi
Kedoshim - Let’s See If And When I get this Money Back
Chukat – What did Rav Chaim Kanievsky answer when he was asked how is the new apartment
Beshalach – Who Are These Lions
Purim – New tips for successful fundraising
Shmini – What did Rabbi Avraham Pam say to the rich man at the wedding
Sukkot – From which mitzvah is a sick person exempt
Re’eh – Shoftim – Ki Tetze – What mitzva should you be looking for
The 3 Weeks – What do you think of during sunset
Ki Tetze – Wedding – A new advice for every husband and wife
How Should We Be Saying Tehilim
Ki Tetze – The second wife and the chazzan
Ki Tavo - Who is influenced by a cow
Ekev – What blessing did the Rebbe say first
Vayishlach – How should the widow call her new son
Yitro – Va’Etchanan – Who can see whom
כי תצא - זמן מלחמה - האם החפץ חיים ניסה להפחיד את כולם - גירסת שורטס
כי תצא - זמן מלחמה - האם החפץ חיים ניסה להפחיד את כולם
Toldot – The most expensive meal you can think of
Shoftim – Shabbat – Why was the Chafetz Chaim crying so much
Sukkot – Please, you take the most beautiful etrog in the world!
Sukkot – How to dress up the sefer Torah for Simchat Torah
Rosh Hashanah – Davening – What happened to the soldier after surgery
Ki Tetze – Was the Chafetz Chaim trying to scare the people around him
Ki Tavo – Where was Rabbi Sonnenfeld running to
Bamidbar – Can you learn from what the Shulchan Aruch never wrote
Shelach Lecha – Why didn’t the Ta”z change his talit
Metzora – How Did R’ Chaim Of Volozhin Start His Yeshiva
Korach – What was the secret of Rav Vosner’s longevity
Mishpatim – Who is always on time for davening and who is not
Emor – What mitzvah can you get at the gas station
Yitro – Is Hashem helping you
Shmini – Re’eh – Who was smarter than the Rambam
Re’eh – What did R' Eizel Charif say to the shochet
Kedoshim – Is it a good idea to carry your own chair
Kedoshim – How Many People Can Fit In One Car
Kedoshim – Why was the Rebbe looking for a new watch
Beshalach – Is Reading Meggilat Esther A New Segula For Parnasa
Shavuot – What is the best thing to think about in the middle of the the night
Chanukah – What happen when this family came home after Shabbat
Vayera – How and when should you stop your child's wild behavior
Vayera – What was this father counting – A must for all parents
Sukkot – Is it really all going down hill now
Noach – What happened to the rabbi who got drunk at the party
Vayelech – How to find out if a sefer Torah is kosher
Rosh Hashanah – Did the king execute his son
Rosh Hashanah – The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings On Absorbing Messages From Above
Elul – What can I give you for saving my life
Teshuva – Why did the heretic do teshuva before he died
Vayetze – How many stones were thrown at the rabbi
The 3 weeks – Why did the Adere”t cry
Shoftim – Who can answer all the questions he is asked in Torah
Tazria – What would you have answered the surgeon
Pinchas – Should this lottery be canceled
The 3 Weeks – Why Did Rabbi Nissim Karelitz Cry
Bechokotai – Do We Appreciate The Chafetz Chaim’s Effort And Does It Matter At All
Shmini – Why Did Rabbi Elyashiv Rush Back Home
Sukkot – What did Rabbi Meir of Premishlan say to Hashem when his daughter was very sick
Shemot – Who should learn Rashi on the parsha
Lech Lecha – How would you react if hot tea spilled on your suit
Tazria – Metzora – What would it take to make you give over secrets to our enemies
Vayera – How In The World Were You Able To Change These Kids Around
Yom Kippur – Can You Always Do Teshuva – The Remarkable Story You Won’t Want To Miss
Shavuot – How did everyone know that all are interested in receiving the Torah
Selichot – Was moving to the big city a good idea
Selichot – Can you get a room in a hotel without paying for it
Ki Tetze – Wedding - When Is The Right Time To Leave The House
Beshalach - Davening – Can There Be A Better Friend Than The Chazon Ish
Rosh Hashanah – Why do we like to hear bad news
Rosh Hashanah – Can I upgrade my ticket to first class
Ekev – Why did R’ Shteinman feel we are so lucky
Kedoshim – Your wig is beautiful
Kedoshim – Why would a teacher hit his students back
Teshuva – Will the polygraph catch those who broke the statue
Ki Tetze – Wedding - The secret for a happy marriage and shalom bayit
כי תבוא - מה ביקש מרן רבי חיים קניבסקי זצ"ל לכתוב על המזגן בביתו
Mishpatim – Davening – How to be able to pay back all your debts
The 3 Weeks – What do we have left from the time of the second Bet Hamikdash
Ekev – Can you tell me how much money you have
Vayeshev – Whom would you invite for that special dinner
Kedoshim – Why didn’t the young guy want to use the elevator
הסוד של כוס קפה יהודי
Beshalach – Did Reuven have to pay the loan to his friend
Miketz – What can yield compassion from Above
Beshalach – Can you clap your hands in davening - The essence of song
פסח - האם ראה ה"נודע ביהודה" את אליהו הנביא
ואתחנן - תפילה - מה קרה בבית הכנסת בשעה שתיים בלילה
בא - ואתחנן - עקב - מדוע שמח הישיש כששמע את הבשורה הנוראה
שמות - האם באמת אכפת לקדוש ברוך הוא איזה נעל אנחנו נועלים תחילה
קדושים - האם היית שמח אם לא היית זוכה בהגרלה הגדולה
Vayigash – Will we fulfill our potential
ואתחנן - מה גרם לבחור הצעיר לחייך במחנה ההשמדה
Lech Lecha – Why did R’ Sonnefeld want to eat the chickpeas at the Shalom Zachar
Yitro – Why did the chasid stop davening
קורונה - מדוע הפסיק החזן באמצע חזרת הש”ץ
אלול - מדוע לא רצה הסטייפלר למכור את ספריו
The 3 weeks – What should you do to get a compliment
קדושים - למה ומה צעק האברך על אשתו
The 3 weeks – When should you plan your trip
Story Time - A little of the greatness of the Arizal
הסגולה המיוחדת לרפואה שגילה הבעל שם טוב
קורונה – התבוננויות מחודשות על מצבנו בתקופה מאתגרת זו
כי תבוא - האם היה הזקן שמח לשאת דליי מים כבדים
Vayera – How great people conduct themselves before they die
קורונה – מדוע חיפש רבי ישראל סלנטר כוכבים ביום ג’ בערב
Shelach Lecha – What Did R’ Elyah Lopian answer the lady who asked him what time it was
Shelach Lecha – What did R’ Elyah Lopian answer his student who asked if he can go to the wedding
Vayetze – For how long should you be upset when you lose something valuable
Shelach Lecha – Why was the talit crying
Shelach Lecha – Why do you have such long strings on your tzitzit
Yitro – How many $100 bills will be enough
הכרת הטוב - כולל בפילדלפיה - אדר א' התשע"ט
Kedoshim – Try to wake up your husband at 2:30 am
Mishpatim – Do you eat gebrokts on Pesach
Mishpatim – Where did Rav Taviomi’s wife go
Yom Kippur – What happened to the rebbetzin who almost missed her flight
Behar – Re’eh – Will the orphans be able to sleep tonight
Metzora - What should you do if you get too much respect
שיעור מיוחד – שאלות ותשובות בהלכה, קורונה, סיפורי חיזוק, חידות, והמצוה הגדולה לדון כל אדם לכף זכות
קורונה - מדוע התחיל הזקן לבכות
ענייני בטחון וחובת ההשתדלות ברגעים מאתגרים - ניסן התש"פ
קורונה - האם צריך להודות לקדוש ברוך הוא גם עכשיו
קורונה – מי רקד מסביב לפח האשפה ומדוע
Vayechi – How can one be happy even in difficult times
Ki Tisa – A sure way to get rid of a big crowd
Kedoshim – Are you really not allowed to steal...
Ki Tavo – What happened to the kid who swallowed a coin
Elul – What do you think of when the month of Elul comes
Sukkot – How many times did the Chafetz Chaim build his Sukka
Shabbat – The special kiddush by Baron Rothschild
Ki Tetze – What did the teacher do to the kid who stole the watch
Shavuot – The value of 2 minuets
Kedoshim – The most remarkable story of the bone marrow donor
Re’eh – Tzedaka - Reaching in...reaching out
korach – Which one of the sisters got the earrings
Kedoshim – Can you figure out the end of this shocking story – take 1
Kedoshim – Can you figure out the end of this shocking story – take 2
Purim – Why did the rich man want to buy that Megilla
Tzav – Do you enjoy taking out the garbage
Kedoshim – Can you violate Shabbat to save Rabbi Israel Salanter
Mishpatim – Davening – Who will pay for the expensive meal in the restaurant
Vayishlach – Who is worried and who is not
Metzora – Why did the wife of the Tosfot Yom Tov shine the silver cup
The 3 Weeks – 10th of Tevet – Who cried when the lottery ticket was gone
ענייני חנוכה, וענווה, מתובל בשו"ת הלכתי וסיפורים מרתקים מגדולי ישראל, תלמוד תורה מצפה יריחו, טבת התשע"ט
Va'etchanan – Who should open and close the door of the bus
Teshuva - My beloved is knocking Open for me
Vayigash – Would your kid want you to visit him
Teshuva – Did the old man get a heart attack like he promised he will
Ki Tetze – A segula for Shalom bayit
Ki Tetze – Who should return the gold coin
Teshuva – What happened to the brand new car
Teshuva – Looking for the orange scarf
Ki Tetze – The amazing instruction of R’ Shlomo Zalman Oyerbach
Mishpatim – Davening – Was the Chafetz Chaim interested in finance
Teshuva – How old is your car
The 3 weeks – What happens if you eat grass
Va'etchanan – What happened when King Shlomo was seen davening
Mishpatim – Why do children start learning tractate Bava Metziah
Behaalotecha – Why did the Rebbetzin embarrass and humiliate her husband all the time
Behar – Why did the Rebbe ask his chassid to call him at 4 am
ואתחנן - כיצד שכנע המלמד את הילד לרדת מן העץ
Teshuva - What is the value of one screw
Teruma – Why did you come to me if you know I don’t give any tzedaka
Lech Lecha – Shelach Lecha – The dispute in the new expanded shul
Va’etchanan – Why didn’t the Chatam Sofer put on tefilin of rabbeinu Tam
Tazria – Metzora – The great favor Maran HaRav Shteinman received
Emor – Can the Cohen marry this lady or not
Elul - Will we be able to move forward
Elul – Go ahead keep drinking!
Kedoshim – Please go to my neighbor
שבועות - מדוע היו התאומים בבית המרזח
Pesach – What did Rabbi Ben Tzion Aba Shaul say about nullifying the chametz
שבועות - יתרו - משפטים - כיצד הפתיע עורך הדין את כל יושבי בית המשפט
Tetzave – Who slapped the Chafetz Chaim and why
Shoftim – Mishpatim - Bribery blinds the eyes of the wise
Yitro - Kedoshim – Va'etchanan – Why did the poor man sit in front of the restaurant every evening
Yitro – Vaetchanan – Shavuot – But Why Me
Yitro - Va'etchanan – Shavuot – Why didn’t Rav Shteinman want to give a shiur
Achrei Mot – What did the Vilna Gaon answer the merchant
Bechokotai – The advice of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita give about Getting an Aliyah in shul
Behaalotecha – Does Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky know the answer
Behaalotecha – Why was the Rosh Yeshiva concerned
Behaalotecha – Why would you push an empty carriage
Behaalotecha – Would you go out wearing only one sock
Behar – Can the land speak
Behar – Don’t embarrass anyone
Behar – How much money will the widow get
Bereshit – What if you had only 4 days to live
Beshalach – A chilling story about trust in Hashem
Beshalach – How much would you pay for something R’ Chaim of Volozhin wrote
Beshalach – The amazing story of the doctor who saw Hashem’s hand
Beshalach – The chair of the Chafetz Chaim
Beshalach – The most amazing story about emunah
Beshalach – Why did the Shac”h refuse to go out again to do business
Bo – Behar – Good morning Mr. Pesach Avraham
Bo – How will the rich guy fulfill his vow and still keep all his assets
Bo – Was the cheese really kosher
Chanukah – What can we learn from checkers
Chayei Sara – How did Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz find his wife
Chukat – Should you cut some toes off perhaps or change the shoe
Chukat – Why couldn’t the Ba'al Shem tov go in to the shul
Chukat – Why was the Steipler giving a shiur while lying in bed
Davening – Having the proper intention during davening
Yitro - Don't serve other gods - a fascinating story
הטבח בהר נוף - שו"ת הלכתי מרתק
Davening – Should you daven when you don’t have any kavanah
Devarim – What happened to the rabbi who threatened the richest guy in town
Ekev – Davening – How to get the box full of gold
Ekev – Davening – What can happen if you are careful to say Amen
Ekev – Squeeze the heavens
Ekev – The Rabbi’s advice on how to combat arrogance
Ekev – The secret of Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin for a good life
Ekev – Who serves as a hose
Ekev – Why didn’t Moshe Rabbeinu sleep when he was in Shamayim
Ekev – Why do women love music
Ekev – Davening – What can happen if you are careful to say Amen
Elul – How to learn Mussar
Elul – How to stick to what you decided to do
Elul – Will you keep your word and give 2.5 million dollars
Emor – Would you like a piece of a royal cake
Kedoshim – At what age did the Chafetz Chaim have a big party
Kedoshim – Did the Ramba”m eat a human hand
Kedoshim – How many rabbis should you ask before speaking lashon hara
Kedoshim – Naso – Why do you never stay for the Cohanim’s blessing
Kedoshim – Nobody called you!!!
Kedoshim – Shouldn't I be happy that I helped the old man
Mishpatim - Mercy
Kedoshim – What did the Mashgiach do with the other glove
Kedoshim – What do you write on the sand and what on stone
Kedoshim – What was written on the paper
Kedoshim – Who is better than whom
Kedoshim – Who wanted to kill the Shl”a Hakadosh
Kedoshim – Who will be the new Rosh Yeshiva
Kedoshim – Why did the doctor delay for 6 hours
Kedoshim – Why didn’t Rav Dessler get off the bus
Kedoshim – Would you give money to this Rosh Yeshiva
Ki Tavo – A memorable funeral in Jerusalem
Ki Tetze - How messy is your house
Ki Tetze – Erasing Amalek
Yitro - Va'etchanan – Who is the real prince
Ki Tetze – Would you up get up and ride the horse again
Ki Tisa - Why is the picture missing from the wall
Ki Tisa – Don’t delay and miss eternal opportunities
Yitro – Shabbat or a gold coin
Ki Tisa – How much is Shabbat worth
Ki Tisa – Leave some of the mitzvah for your friends – Amazing story
Ki Tisa – Should you put on the bandage
Lech Lecha – Do you want your candlesticks back
Lech Lecha – Sukkot – Can the rich guy be the chatan Torah
Lech Lecha – What Challah should the Rebbe cut first
Lech Lecha – What caused the big ugly scar
Lech Lecha – Would you like success but without a blessing
מטות - תפילה - מה אמר החזון איש לאבא שהתפלל עם בנו
מטות - כיצד שיכנע האדמו"ר את העשיר לבנות מקווה חדש
מטות - מדוע כתב הרמ"א את כל מנהגי אשכנז
Metzora – So what did you accomplish this morning
Metzora – What does the monkey think of you
Mishpatim – An eye for an eye – literally!
Mishpatim – Behar - Ki Tetze – How much does it cost to be buried
Mishpatim – How should you tell this story
Mishpatim – Who converted because of an ox
Mishpatim – Who tried to scam Baron Rothschild
Naso – How should you bless klal Yisrael
Nitzavim – How close is it to you
Nitzavim – The most beautiful decoration
Noach – One siyum you don’t want to have
Zeman Elul 5777 - Yeshivat Arzei Levanon
Pekodei – Can you believe this crazy thought
Pesach – Does nulfing chametz always work
Pesach – How does Hashem save us
Pesach – The shocking and inspiring matzah story you won’t want to miss!
Re’eh – Are you worthy of Hashem’s gifts
Re’eh – Can you live without eating - Tzedaka
Re’eh – How many people are in the ambulance
Re’eh – How to get rid of a heartache
Re’eh – Please eat meat and drink wine every day
Re’eh – Should Yeshiva students sleep on the ground
Re’eh – Should you say a bracha for a successful business deal
Re’eh – Tzedaka – Where should you donate your money
Re’eh – What material do you use for your suits
Re’eh – Who came all the way from Europe to sew your buttons
Re’eh – Why did the Cazon Ish dance in the middle of the street
Re’eh – Why did the Gaon of Vilna get upset
Re’eh – Why didn’t the father pay his son back
Rosh Hashanah – Yom Kippur - Davening – The fear of a king
Rosh Hashanah – Yom Kippur – The importance of davening
Shabbat – Pirkei Avot (1) – What was the 87 year old man doing in the dark cave
Shabbat – Pirkei Avot – Are you embarrassed when you do mitzvot
Shavout – Is the Torah bothering us
Shavout – The invisible Rebbe
Shavout – What can you tell us about Rabbi Tzadka
Shavuot – The money changer that became a rosh yeshiva
Shavuot – The store of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a
Shavuot – What happens a week after the wedding
Shavuot – What would you do with 12 glasses full of pure gold
Shavuot – Why do we raise the sefer Torah and show it to everyone in shul
Shavuot – Why was the store losing money
Shelach Lecha – Dangerous – not for the faint of heart
Shelach Lecha – Why aren't the bells working!
Shemot – Rosh Hashanah – Learning the appropriate intentions for blowing shofar
Shemot – What did the Gerrer Rebbe tell his Gabbai
Shemot – Why did the Malbim carry his shoes under his arm
Shmini - Why didn't Rabbi Avramsky eat the soup
Shmini – Why didn’t Rav Elyashiv tz”l answer the question
Shoftim – Do you want to know the language of the birds
Shoftim – Mishpatim – The power of one gold coin
Shoftim – Why wasn’t Rabbi Avramsky afraid during the war
Story - Satmar Rebbe
Story time - Amazing facts about Maran HaRav Elyashiv shlita
Story time - Hachnasat Orchim
Story time - R' Zisha and the 300 ruble
Yitro – The perfect answer!
Story time - Sacrifice for Torah learning
Story time - The Rambam and the truth of Torah
Story time - The love and dedication for Torah
Story time - The miracle apple
Story time - The power of a bracha from a tzadik
Story time - What 2 minutes can cause
Story time - Where does the success come from
Tazria – Who was the old man who came to the brit mila
Teruma – Should a person who is collecting for a yeshiva drive a fancy car
Tetzave – Who is holy of holies
The 3 weeks – What do you answer Eliyahu Hanavi
Tisha BeAv – Should you paint your house on in the middle of the fast
Tzav – This summer salt is for you Hashem!
Va'etchanan – Ekev – The mezuzah that made the child hungry
Va'etchanan – Ekev – Why did the Rebbe R’ Elimelech stop wearing Rabbeinu Tam tefillin
Va'etchanan – When should you learn
Va'etchanan – Who really gave food to the poor person
Vayakhel – How do you gain two mitzvot for the price of one
Vayelech – Va’etchanan – Why did the Ba’al Shem Tov cry
Vayera – The story of the true tzadik
Vayera – What did the Stypler do when he was very old and weak
Vayeshev – Vayishlach – Tzedaka - Who is that man
Vayetze – How to cut the rungs of the ladder
Vayigash – What did the Sha’agat Arieh promise his congregation
Vayishlach – Which one of the rabbis was right
Vayishlach – Why didn’t Yakov send dogs to his brother
Va’etchanan – Know what to answer
VeZot Habracha – Don’t take apart the train tracks
Yitro - The meeting of the Ba'al Ha'Tania and Rabbi Moshe Chefetz
Yitro – How did R’ Bunim want to pay the butcher
Yitro - Do you want to do gelilla of the sefer Torah
Yitro - What did the Chazon Ish think about the 5th commandment
Yitro – Shabbat or a gold coin
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Didn’t R’ Aharon of Belz listen to his father
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Jews of yester-years
Yitro – Va'etchanan – Why didn’t the Stypler wake up his daughter
Yom Kippur – Halacha time – What should be done to the chicken that was lost after you did kaparot with it
Yom Kippur – The amazing confession of the young man on the ship
Yom Kippur – What time was it when the Rebbe davened Mincha
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